Sunday, September 25, 2011

Presentation on Penny Weights

There is a powerpoint presentation, however I can not figure out how to get it to upload.

My group, like alot of the others added the hisoty of the penny. This made it seem as though you, and kind of did, hear the same presentation over and over again.

The following questions were presented to the class and this is what my group had came up with:
1) What would a penny weigh picked up from the sidewalk? A penny minted today would weigh 2.50g fresh from the mint. So you would have to adjust that value since it has been exposed to the world.

2) What would a 1908 penny weigh?  A penny fresh from the mint in 1908 weighed  3.11g, however you would have to adjust that value since it has been exposed to the world for some time.

3) What would a 1793 penny weigh? A penny fresh from the mint in 1793 weighed 13.48g, however you would have to adjust that value since it has been exposed to the world the longest out of the three pennies that are being examined.

One thing that has been expressed of how we can make our presentations better in the future would be to add in more scientific data.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Criteria for Creditability

When looking to see if something is creditable or not you need to look for a few things:

How reliable are the sources stated in the document, if there are any sources listed.
If there is any data or reproducable experiment to go along with your argument.
Does the document have a clear direction that they are trying to get the reader to see, if so how effectively are they able to get the reader to see there point of view without straying to far from the outline that they have set up for themselves.

According to our in class discussion, we will be using the following criteria to evaluate the CO2 Science Paper posted on D2L and answer the following question, "Is the paper legitimate now?" :

1) Reference/ Sources
    -Credibile, Publisher

2) Science Method Valid
   -Accuracy, Repeatability, Data Analysis, Open Perspecive, Non-bias Approach

Thursday, September 15, 2011


In class we talked about Personal Development Plan, also known as a PDP, should include the following items: A mission, goals, values, and stragies of how to accomplish these things.

I think that a PDP for this class would be to present the class with scenrios that we will find in the field and talk about what/how we would handle the situation. I also think we need to look ahead to the future to see what things we could potentially encounter if we do not take the time now to address the issues.
We should also take advantage of professional resouces that are available to us, get to know professors that relate to our field of study and get involved with organizations and clubs that will help to advance our future opportunities.