Monday, September 19, 2011

Criteria for Creditability

When looking to see if something is creditable or not you need to look for a few things:

How reliable are the sources stated in the document, if there are any sources listed.
If there is any data or reproducable experiment to go along with your argument.
Does the document have a clear direction that they are trying to get the reader to see, if so how effectively are they able to get the reader to see there point of view without straying to far from the outline that they have set up for themselves.

According to our in class discussion, we will be using the following criteria to evaluate the CO2 Science Paper posted on D2L and answer the following question, "Is the paper legitimate now?" :

1) Reference/ Sources
    -Credibile, Publisher

2) Science Method Valid
   -Accuracy, Repeatability, Data Analysis, Open Perspecive, Non-bias Approach

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